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Monday, May 07, 2012


Sekarang ada dekat terengganu. Home sweet home :)

Masalah aku sekarang tak setel lagi. Pelik. Dah 5 doc aku jumpa semua jawapan tak meyakin kan. Entah lah. Kat bawah aku tulis kronologi keguguran aku.

25/2/2012: last menstrual period
26/3/2012: spotting of implantation bleeding
2/4/2012: positive UPT, confirmed 5weeks pregnant by doctor
5/4/2012: cramp and bleeding. Went to the doc and he refers me to hospital. At the hospital i have to walk from the emergency to the O&G clinic which is a kilometer away. The nurse said that i'm not emergency enough to meet the doctor right away. I pissed off and scolded her and she refers me to the emergency again and i have to walk one kilometer to go there. Once i reached there i have to wait for more than one hour. They did 2 UPTs and it turned out negative so the doc assumed that no more baby and the bleeding is considered as normal period and he asked me to leave without scanning.
11/4/2012: went to Sucinas for scan. The doc said everything was clear. My uterus is perfect.
15/4/2012: make another check up at INTAN and the doc said probably ectopic as my uterus is cleared and nothing to worry.
17/4/2012: vaginal discharge, have to wear pads until today. No bleeding at all but felt the cramp until today
3/5/2012: went to Sucinas again and guess what? The doc said there is something inside my uterus and she referred me to the hospital
4/5/2012: on my birthday i went to the hospital with my husband, parents and mother in law. I met dr amina which is a rude doc. She scolded me when i said i'm not sure either the bleeding on 5/4/12 was considered as period or not. We did the UPT and negative result. Then we did the Transvaginal scan and she said she saw something inside my uterus which is 13.7mm in size. In the consultation room, she said she was not sure whether that thing is from the miscarriage sac or something else. She gave us 2 choices, wait for 2 weeks or D&C now. Of course i wanted to wait. She said the risk of infection is on me. No problemo doctor! She started to raised her voice again and so do i. I told her about the stupid doctor that chased me out on 5/4/12 and all of sudden she said 'what done is done'. My ass!
6/5/2012: went for another checkup at Klinik Keluarga Terengganu. The doctor said she couldnt see anything except that i have a retroverted uterus! Yea another problem for me! She printed out the photo and asked me to confirmed it somewhere else.
7/5/2012: waiting for my appointment at KTS.

So guys, aku bukan sengaja buat havoc dekat FB. Ramai yg pm minta aku redha. Ya aku mmg dah redha bila aku tau aku gugur tapi sekarang kalau kau ada dekat tempat aku apa kau nak buat? Thanks for your concern.

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